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Click HERE To Support The Las Vegas Eruv


As you may have read in the news, in the coming weeks Clark County is launching a years-long construction project on the 215. This project will demolish a significant part of the Las Vegas Eruv, disrupting the eruv both during the construction phase and beyond.


We have been working closely with the entire construction team, including representatives from Clark County, the construction project contractor management team, and leading Eruv experts. All of the parties involved have been very helpful and extremely sensitive to the needs of the Jewish community. After much planning and coordination, we have plans for updating the eruv to bypass the construction site. While there are still many details and moving pieces involved in such a large upgrade, we are hopeful that there will be minimal to no disruption of the eruv’s kashrus.


The cost for this upgrade is significant, and we need your help to ensure there is as little disruption to the eruv’s service as possible. We are asking every household to donate $72 to cover these upgrades. A reliable and kosher eruv makes a huge impact on our entire community; please help ensure its continuity by doing your part!

link for eruv donation
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